The SEMA College comprises the entire school, training and further education for SEMA software. In our SEMA College we provide training videos and course materials for SEMA customers and students as well as special training material for teachers and trainers.
I think SEMA College is good because you always learn about small details that are important in day-to-day work.
- Wolfgang Bach, master carpenter & Managing Director of BACH Holzbau
You always get fresh impulses and ideas to get more familiar with the subject as well as all the things that could even be improved in the daily routine.
- Alexandra Schilling, Bien Zenker GmbH
I am a very satisfied SEMA customer!! For approx. 16 years now (incl. master school) I have been using my beloved SEMA software almost every day.
- Andreas Pletl, master carpenter / Managing Director carpentry / timber construction PLETL
Fantastic, you learn and see something new again and again, even after 30 years!
- Jürgen Bohr, teacher at Theodor Frey vocational school Eberbach
I really like the online training courses and that they are kept short - you get quite a lot of tips on how to use the program.
- Berthold Will, Managing Director of Carpentry Will
The concept is pretty cool, as a self-employed person you can get some training on the program at the end of the day.
- Ole Stürcken
Of course, there are bright minds behind a great joinery software such as SEMA. They are the ones who enable such great working with the program!
- Andreas Pletl, master carpenter / Managing Director carpentry / timber construction PLETL
It's great that your learning videos and documents available facilitate self-study at any time.
- Alexandra Schilling, Construction / Work preparation, construction training, Bien Zenker GmbH
Again and again you can see how many different applications lead to the desired result, which you can then call up again if there is a specific case occurring. Keep it up.
- Berthold Will, Managing Director of Carpentry Will
It's a fantastic way to brush up and extent gained knowledge for Maintenance Contract Pro customers.
- Andreas Pletl, master carpenter / Managing Director carpentry / timber construction PLETL
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