
V14-2 05/2014

Connecting Railings on Line

Comfortable connecting railing input on polyline.

V14-2 05/2014

Freely Definable Landings

Easy definition of different landings for all kinds of stair shapes.

V14-2 05/2014

Landings in the Stairs Assistant

Freely definable number of steps and landing input in the Stairs Assistant.

V14-2 05/2014

Stairs with Steel Stringers

Stairs construction with steel stringers - from design to production.

V14-2 05/2014

Optimised Dimensioning

Better layout and more details in the dimensioning function.

V14-2 05/2014

Area Outlines on the Construction Plane

Construction planes now have their own outlines, with gross and net areas and automatic detection of component borders.