
V20-1 12/2019

BIM with SEMA - Further Enhancement of the IFC Interface

IFC Properties, Colours, Grouping of Storeys for the IFC Export.

V20-1 12/2019

Macro Plus

Macro Plus, Enhancements Macro Container Window/Door and Other Detail Enhancements.

V20-1 12/2019

Balustrading Filling

Balustrading Fillings from any Materials in Perfect Visual and Structural Form.

V19-2 05/2019

Connection details

Right-angled riser connection, fasteners between tread and riser and right-angled child protection strips.

V19-2 05/2019


Enhancements IFC import, IFC links, enhancements Control Center and BCF import/export.

V19-2 05/2019

Stair components, punching in all planes

Punching of stair components independent of the creation plane and access to processings in object details mode.