Release History V24.3


  • Opening projects can be significantly accelerated with a new setting in the Building project manager mode. Building projects (BP) created in Building project manager modes 2 and 3 can be temporarily cached by means of the new option "Cache SEM projects in the SEMTmp directory". What does “cache” mean in this context? When opening a *.SEM building project, it is unpacked locally to the hard drive as usual. Previously, this local copy was deleted when the building project was closed.  However, with the new option, the copy is retained and therefore significant speed advantages when reopening the project are achieved, since the building project does not have to be completely unpacked again.
    Users can set how long a project is cached under point "Details". By default, a project is kept for at least 30 days from the last time it was opened. Users can also specify when a BP will no longer be cached. A project will for example no longer be cached if there is less than 10 GB of space available on the local hard disk; in this case the local copy will be deleted when the project is closed. All local copies can be deleted using the button "Empty cache completely". The *.SEM building projects themselves remain unaffected.

3D Objects and Visualization

  • The new function "Anchor 3CAD points to components" has been incorporated. This means that the options "Anchor to component surface" and "Anchor to component surface + edge" can now be used when creating 3CAD points. The "Anc" tab in the "Change" menu or when creating can be used to change the position of an anchored 3D point. This allows users to adjust the reference points and the anchor distance.
    Additionally, the representation of 3D points can be influenced in the "Optics" tab (O). The settings "Standard" (representation of a 3D point as a cross) and "Minimum" (representation of a 3D point as a pixel) are available. Thanks to this feature, it is now possible, for example, to create fasteners yourself, which can now also be staked out with a tachymeter on the construction site, using the anchored points.
  • A new option serving to define a default export path for 3D objects has been added to the general pre-settings (Alt+ F7). There is now the new "3D" tab, which can be found under "Data Import / Export". Further settings can be made here, for example, the default naming of a 3D file, the preferred export format and the option to name components in the exported file according to one's own wishes.
  • Using the "Own object names" function, users can select various placeholders via the familiar placeholder menu to name individual components quickly and individually. The checkbox "Use own object names" must be checked to activate this function.

BIM Converter

  • The export path and the file name can now be predefined in the new tab "IFC", which can be found in the general pre-settings (Alt+F7) under the system "Data Import / Export". The file name can be determined using the familiar placeholder technique.

Printing & Plan Design

  • It is now possible to export PDF files in the PDF/A format. PDF files in "/A" format can be uploaded to web-based data platforms for structural engineering verification.
    These platforms require the PDF/A format because this format is suitable for long-term archiving of digital documents. Additionally, this format is a read-only format.
    To export a PDF/A, the option must be activated in the pre-settings (Alt+F7), under "General", tab "Other". It is now possible to export your files to the "ELBA: Elektronische bautechnische Prüfakte/BW" (electronic design review file/BW) by means of this format.

Single Member

  • It is now possible to export a tenon with a freely definable angle of rotation (0°-360°) for the BTL(x) and BVX export. Consequently, the master data of the end type tenon has been extended to include a free hip input in the setting "tenon direction".
  • There are now new settings for the machine export available to ensure that closing board grooves can be optimally manufactured during the Hundegger BVX-Export. Here it is now possible to optionally define up to which width the scarf joints are combined to form closing board grooves.
  • For BTL (as of 10.6), BTLx and BVX export, it is now possible to export manufacturing information in the form of "User attributes" for CAM software and manufacturing machines.
    If a user attribute has been assigned to a Single Member processing, the processing in the Single Member is indicated with "..." behind the processing and can be checked, changed or extended via a "right click" or via the Edit menu (Ctrl+Shift+A). The "User attributes" with the name "StrategyKey" for processing strategies and "Fastener" for fastening material can currently be assigned for the BVX export. When working with "User attributes", adjustment between CAD, CAM and production machines is a prerequisite, since "User attributes" can only provide a correct result if everyone can use and evaluate this attribute.


  • The modification of many components, in particular CAD lines, would be accelerated.
  • When executing create commands or inserting macros, the current layer can now be changed without closing the command. The command remains active even when creating, deleting or renaming layers. This option has been incorporated into the top view as well as into all element views.

Wall and Floor

  • The option "No update of drawing zero point for planking" has been integrated in the general pre-settings (Alt + F7), in the "Walls/Outline" category, under the "Automatic" tab. Consequently, coverings can be created via the Wall automation without updating the zero point of the drawing.
  • The keyword "SCHICHTWINKEZ" has been added to the BTL export. Due to this keyword, the layer angles are evaluated positively in relation to the viewing side and not negatively, as is the case with other machines.