With our standard yet dynamic software you create building projects as you need them. The simple cataloguing system enables company-specific standards without losing flexibility and that makes SEMA to an indispensable tool. And the system grows with the requirements of the user.
Practically oriented features to print drawings, flexible data-base features for calculations and parts lists as well as the integration of MS Office programs offer users a decisive advantage for their design process and material planning.
Definition of single or multi-boarded wall and ceiling elements with up to 24 boarding and batten layers. Pre-defined members and groups of components that work across all projects guarantee standardisation in detail without limiting design possibilities.
Free definition of opening dimensions, flexible visual design of windows and doors with top view and side view symbols, that also contain construction elements and design details based on parameters.
Input of building data generally takes place with reference to the corresponding storey and with automatic wall intersection to ceiling or roof. Editing of walls, windows, doors and elements in top view and wall view. Integration of the stairs into the building model. Definition of oblique-angled construction planes.
Automatic separation features adapted to the individual construction raster with adpation of the timber thickness to the building. All company-specific connection details are applied at the point of connection. Extensive construction and editing tools for fast and efficient detailing of the design.